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larryy (Offline)
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Need help with japanese translation please! Native speakers are welcome :)) - 04-15-2012, 06:50 AM

Hi guys!
I have a task for japanese class to write up small email-dialogue with a teacher. the task is to ask a favor from your japanese teacher!

I have chosen to ask for my teacher to "overlook" or "increase" my test score by 0.5 % to obtain a higher grade.

is that something good to write? please review my work!

(I am Tom, a student from the lecture on Monday's at 9am)
第6週にあったテストをどちらの先生がチェックをなさ ってくれましたか。
(who was the teacher that marked the test we had in week 6)

(I find out its a different teacher so I say I will send her an email)
ありがとうございました!では、桐沢先生にEメールを 送りします。


第6週にあったテストの結果について質問がありますが 。
最近、橋本先生はブラックボードで結果があると教えて いただいて、自分の結果を拝見しました。
Ms. Hashimoto told me that my results are on "blackboard", so I saw them.
僕の結果は79.5%なので、残念ながらAを達成する めに、0.5%だけ十分ではありませんでした。(because my result was 79.5, unfortunately it wasn't enough to achieve an A by only 0.5%)

確かその0.5%だけが変更可能できるでしょうか。 OR その0.5%だけ、罷り通っていただけないでしょうか。
(Surely it is possible to change that 0.5%?) OR (could you please overlook that 0.5%) ?


Is there anything else I should add to this letter? does it sound like I am being rude and direct? What are your thoughts? thanks!
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