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Jeikobu (Offline)
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Question Getting to Japan as quickly as possible - 03-23-2013, 03:03 AM

I have an AD in General Studies. I am interested in continuing my education, but I was curious about whether it'd be better to pursue that in Japan, or in America. My goal has been to go and live in Japan for the longest time, but I know education is highly valued. My main objective is to be the Lord's witness in Japan, however, since I don't want to make money off of the Lord's ministry, I obviously need a money making career, too. I am very interested in being a marine mammal trainer, and if not that I am considering some line of work in which I could work with kids (preferably other than education).

I only have between $1,000 and $1,500 right now. I know Japan is where God has called me, and while I know He'll get me there, I am also trying to do my part in making a plan as to how to get there. I would really like to go ASAP, but if I have to do more in the US first, then I'm open to hearing what that is.

I guess right now I don't feel like I really know where to start. So, I'm looking for advice and tips from people who have been there and done that.

If you live in Colorado, please come visit Japanese Hope Mountain Family Church! Even if you aren't a Christian, please try it. It's a great place where you can meet very nice people and speak lots of Japanese.ウェブサイトをご覧して下さい!
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