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Kazumi (Offline)
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My own Zanpakutou - 06-26-2007, 07:53 AM

A description of my Zanpakutou

hyoukai mizuniukabuawa (Icy Bubbles) [ひょうかい みずにうかぶあわ]

Water and Ice

"ukiagaru, hyoukai mizuniukabuawa" (Float, hyoukai mizuniukabuawa) [fろあt, ひょうかい みずにうかぶあわ]

It's a rather long light blue sword with a chain that is connect to my left wrist. It can release millions of icy type bubbles that can surround the enemy and trap them in a chain of icy bubbles.

Bankai - soyokaze hyoukai mizuniukabuawa (Zephyr Icy Bubbles):
Round Icy fragments are launch towards the enemy in casting them in a large sphere of ice which makes them very fragile.

Hyoukai Mizuniukabuawa form:
It takes the form of a mermaid. She has long dark blue hair with crystal blue eyes. Her tail is blue with a hint of green and she wears a sapphire gem on her forehead which is the source of her powers.
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Magic is all around us. You just need to know where to find it?

The Magical World is were I was born. I control the magical stone called the Sages Stone.

Last edited by Kazumi : 07-02-2007 at 05:30 AM.
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