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XjapanFOREVER (Offline)
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07-23-2007, 04:04 PM

Originally Posted by whitetwilight View Post
-SKIN took big names in Japan (hence the mega-star lineup), and is bringing them to America in an attempt to make Jrock more popular here.
-It's called a project, not a band, so the chances of it lasting a long time are pretty low.
-They are probably in Japan because the LIVE in Japan, and they have individual things going on there.
-They don't have an official homepage yet, and may not ever, just because (as stated before) they are a project, not so much a band.

Hope that clears it up some.
well, since she pretty much said it for me.....
Ah, I see what you mean.... when you said "I don't now if she's right........" I thought you were referring to Camui..... sorry....
I was saying "She's right" toward the whole "It's official, they're debuting at AX and then touring America"....And how do you know I was "shouting", I could've just been emphasizing certain points?...

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