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laurel (Offline)
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Location: Tsukuba, Japan
07-28-2007, 09:09 AM

Originally Posted by fara7 View Post
Yah i have received ur e-mail with the Japanese milk advertisement, i liked it, but im reallly sorry for not answering .
Oh there are 6 hours difference between us (kuwait) and Japan, so when u r asleep we're awake and when we're awake ur asleep lol.

Hi, Fara-chan!

Oh, that's fine (゚∇^*) I'm just afraid that there might be some trouble with my mailer system; in these days my internet connection does not work properly.

So, the time difference between Kuwait and Japan is 6 hours? As for the UK, there is 8-hour time difference. It was pretty hard to make a call at appropriate time.

By the way, yesterday I went to Akihabara and found so many Haruhi stuff there!

"yf I ded ony foly I have that I sought."

-- Thomas Malory, Le Morte D'Arthur
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