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(#6 (permalink))
JF Old Timer
Posts: 362
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: japan (i wish)
im stupid LOL - 07-28-2007, 04:24 PM

I mostly agree with what you said MMM

I would just like to say though, that I made an error in my writing.

First I said the really mature stuff is mainly for teens, then I said it was mainly for adults.

That dosent make sence does it?

What I meant to say was violants and sex anime is aimed at teens (even if it may seem aimed at adults) but OTHER types of mature stuff like deep, phylisophical thought provoking stuff is aimed at adults.

But mainly what I was trying to say is only otaku go out and try to watch as much anime as humanly possible, but there are some classics that everyone has seen or at least heard about.

Still even if it is very looked down upon to be otaku in Japan, anime and manga is HUGE in Japan and you see it everywhere. Even people who arent Otaku have a few anime that they really enjoy watching (maybe in secret though)

I still think its much more commonly watched in Japan then other Japanese TV shows. If other things were watched more they would have higher budgets.

At least thats my understanding...I could b completley wrong about everything I just wrote....
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