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Suki (Offline)
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08-09-2007, 01:09 PM

Hello there !!

Originally Posted by laurel
So, you watch dubbed anime, not with subtitle? To me, it sounds very curious: I can't imagine some anime characters who speak in typical Japanese way use foreign language!
I usually watch subbed, it's way better! As I always say, when you change the voice that's been given to a certain characters, it loses part of his personality and that's never taken into account...

So when I download anime it's always in Japanese (with subtitiles in English or Spanish), but Dragon Ball -for example- has always been broadcasted on the TV so it's dubbed.

Originally Posted by laurel
Honestly, I wish that Esperanto movement will gain popularity. I like English, but sometimes I feel it's unfair for non-native speakers to hand in all academic articles in English!
Esperanto movement...? I don't think I know what you mean...

Yes you're right, here in Spain when you apply for a job you're always asked for English certificates, as if being able to speak English was the most important thing in the world xD Not that it bothers me though, I'd be in trouble if it was French instead!

Originally Posted by laurel
I hate English preposition, it's really confusing to write some sentences; without preposition, however, it's hard to understand the meaning of Latin sentence...
Haha yeah that's right. I wonder how they managed to understand each other with so few apparently unconnected words.

Spanish speakers don't seem to have much trouble with prepositions. You soon get familiar with them and the verbs they go with.

Originally Posted by laurel
In fact, they PAY money to join such kind of competitions.

2006 Winter Gaman-taikai in Oita

The winner gains some prize, but generally, it is not so expensive.

So they're out in the freezing cold eating ice-creams and such..? xD

Originally Posted by laurel
Yes; kimono requires special tips to wear, especially the way to tie the belt (obi) is quite difficult.
Many girls wear kimono at certification ceremony of uni, but most of them cannot wear kimono by themselves. There is a job called きもの着付け師 (kimono kitsukeshi), who helps people to wear kimono.
Cool! The whole geishas world fascinates me... have you heard about Liza Dalby? She was the first non-Japanese woman to become a geisha, and she wrote a book about what life was like in the okiya and all she learnt while being tought how to behave and this kind of things.

Does every Japanese girl own a kimono? I mean, is it like... a must to have at least one? Do they wear it everywhere in a normal day?

Thanks so very much for the links, I couldn't understand a word of it but I jus cliked at random and found some interesting stuff.

How long does it actually take to get into a kimono...?

everything is relative and contradictory ~
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