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CoolNard (Offline)
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J-anime: Return of the Condor Heroes - 08-21-2007, 11:18 AM

Frankly, I don't know which was a spinoff of which, but both the anime and the chinese series are greatly interesting and recommended. Maybe someone else with more relevant information could step in some time ^^ Anyway, if you fancy the anime, you're definitely gonna love the series, which is slightly different from the former. And if I'm not wrong, the whole anime series should be available on youtube.

P.S. the anime is a rather old one, so the grahpics could be a little under your average modern day anime, but still, it has an amazingly fantastic storyline like no other.

The story takes place in ancient China, when Youka, a thirteen year old boy, and his uncle, Kakusei, set off to the temple of Zenshinkyou. It had been decided that Youka was to remain there to study orthodox martial arts, developing himself into a strong, virtous man. However, upon their arrival at the entrance, they were unexpectedly attacked by a group of Zenshinkyou members who mistakenly thought they were trespassing. Reluctant to fight, the both of them made to back off, though, eventually, their techniques came to a collision and it was only a matter of minutes before Kakusei had them defeated (Youka doesn't know how to fight yet). Unfortunately, the price involved the kidnapping of Youka by one of the Zenshinkyou. Incidentally, Kakusei attempted to rush after his nephew, going into the temple, and encountered a gory sight of violence: The Zenshinkyou disciples were at combat with several Mongolians...

Watch on as the anime portrays Youka's steady growth in both strength, wisdom and age, as he rebels against the entire pugilistic world for his love, and surprises them with his new-found skills at the heros' meet!

There's no such thing as happy endings, for when you find true love, happiness is everlasting.

Last edited by CoolNard : 08-21-2007 at 11:25 AM.
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