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Kanji_The_Wanderer (Offline)
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Thumbs up Wooo! - 09-14-2007, 03:39 PM

I've played them all and I love them all!!! The Kain series is one of the best series ever created in my opinion. But I hate the way they ended Defiance. They can't end the series like that! They need to make more. They stopped making the games after the writer, Amy Henning quit. But Crystal Dynamics the company that put out the series has all the rights to make more games. So I think they should. But if they mess it up without Amy's input then that would be bad....But still I'd love to see what happens next. Don't want to say any spoilers for people who aren't up to date with the story.

As a fan I can say I have played all these games and followed the series since it started in the 90's love LoK forever!!
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