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Lighten up - 10-07-2007, 05:27 PM

Not to stir the pot, and definitely not trying to be a troll, but I think this whole thread could have been handled better.

LawlietsGirl and her school club are obviously fans of Japanese culture, even though it might be a narrow segment (anime).

Instead of a "slap-down" people like her should be gently encouraged in other directions. For example:

I understand "otaku" is used quite a bit in America and has a very innocent meaning there, but there are still many people in Japan who have negative feelings about the word (explain case). How about something like:

Nihon ha anime tengoku
(Japan is Anime Heaven)

I mean, after her reception, what are the chances that LawlietsGirl will want to come back to this forum to learn more about the "real" Japan?

I just think the attitude was a little cold, especially considering that LawlietsGirl approached the forum for help, obviously carrying no malicious intent.

Just my $0.02. And by the way, I won't respond to any replies to this post because I have no intention of starting/ participating in/ escalating a flame war.

As a group of people who obviously are interested in/ care about Japan--and we want to spread that enthusiasm to as many people as possible, right?--we should do a little collective "hansei" (反省) about this episode.
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