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Sanchome (Offline)
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Japanese Gothic Lolita hatchets her dad to death - 10-08-2007, 06:23 PM

I saw this news story about a 16 year old Japanese gothic lolita girl, who was also into reading and drawing manga. Last month, she killed her father with a hatchet. I wonder if the Japanese press will blame manga and gothic lolita culture for the killing? Here is some of the article:

Upon entering the second-story bedroom, the Japanese police beheld a nightmarish scene that appeared as if the Manson Family had just paid a visit. Clad in a black one-piece frock spattered with blood from the grisly deed, the dead man's 16 year old daughter was arrested on the spot.

The young perpetrator was a full-fledged gosu-rori ("Gothic Lolita"), a Japanese subculture that took root around 1990, in which young women dress up in frilly Victorian costumes that range from the ultracute to the macabre.

According to Shukan Post, the teen was also said to have been particularly infatuated with "Fullmetal Alchemist," Hiromu Arakawa's popular comic serial about hard-luck siblings who had lost their mother.

You can read the full article about the killer Japanese Gothic Lolita here.
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