Thread: Moving to Japan
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Hatredcopter (Offline)
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10-22-2007, 01:55 AM

A few years back, before I started college, I also looked at the Air Force as a means of getting to Japan. In short, I wouldn't recommend it. Mainly because you really have no control over where you end up when you join the Air Force (or any military branch). Recruiters will tell you that you get to pick what you do and where you do it, but in reality it's not usually the case.

Furthermore, there is a small but ever-present animosity between Japanese locals and U.S. military personnel in areas of Japan that have a U.S. military base. Sadly, this animosity is usually caused by reckless servicemen who don't know how to conduct themselves properly in Japan. I decided I didn't want to be any part of it, and went on to university.

As mentioned above, you'll need to go back to college (a four-year university, not a community college).

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