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masaegu (Offline)
Posts: 2,573
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Central Tokyo
11-06-2007, 03:08 PM

That's sad news as Japan is an island country. Are you just picky or do you biologically have an allergy to seafood? Those are two entirely different phenomena, you know.

The truth is that you will have a wide variety of foods available here, a much wider variety than most parts of your country can offer. So you can not only survive but can also enjoy the food scene in Japan.

One final note if you actually have an allergy. Even if you see no piece of fish in a dish, that doesn't mean fish isn't used because the stock is very often made with dried fish and/or seaweed. PM me if you actually have an allergy so I will write a note in Japanese (that is if you don't write Japanese) that you can show to waiters. You would need something like that from the first day you arrive here.
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