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Suki (Offline)
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11-15-2007, 02:34 PM

Eating seafood for lunch and... at school? It's funny how the whole food thing works in each country. In England they eat toasts and tea non-stop and no matter what time of the day it is, in the States it's all about fried stuff. I'd starve myself rather than eat bacon and eggs for breakfast =/ and the Japanese... I like all types of rice dishes and ramen but I couldn't survive for long on Japanese food >.<'

I've heard of melon flavoured bread before, wanna try it but I don't know where I can get one from... and I'm not one for cooking so xD

Originally Posted by jasonbvr
if you don't like the food or worse are a vegetarian I guess you're screwed.
But... isn't there a law that says that every school must provide a vegetarian alternative meal when requested? If not, they should allow them to bring their own food from home.

Originally Posted by jasonbvr
ps~You ever tried eating corn with f'ing chopsticks?
I have! When I went to Paris there was a Japanese convention at the hotel I was staying at, and for about 3 days they served Japanese food in the morning ^^ So yeah, I used chopsticks to pick up food, and I had almost every Japanese person in the room stare at me, probably struggling not to laugh out loud xDDDDDD

everything is relative and contradictory ~
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