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micxnet (Offline)
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Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Australia
Suzuka: Track Days Available? - 11-23-2007, 12:45 PM

Hey everyone,

I will be traveling to Japan next March for a two week trip. I am currently planning for the various things I want to do while I'm over there and recently I thought of taking a car out on the Suzuka track for some laps.

I was wondering if there are any track days available, or who I can contact to organise something like this, is doesn't have to be specifically the Suzuka track as I only know this one from the F1 series. Also I would need a car, and would prefer to take out a proper Evo, RX-8 or Skyline, my top pick would be the new Evo X but I don't like my chances of being able to hire one for the track day.

Any help would be greatly appreciated as this would be a brilliant experience.


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