Thread: Game Cheats
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Rogozhin (Offline)
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Game Cheats - 11-27-2007, 11:46 PM

I was talking to one of my co-workers today about videogames and he mentioned how he uses cheats to get everything in games straight away. I commented how there mustn't be such a great sense of accomplishment then and he disagreed somewhat curtly ("Says you!"). It's obvious that there would be a very minute sense of accomplishment when there is in fact very little accomplishing going on (unless you can delude yourself into thinking it was all a product of your hard work), but this exchange this morning made me ponder about game cheats in general.

I can't help but feel cheats defeat the purpose of a game, but perhaps I am wrong, maybe the purpose of a game is to enjoy it and if taking shortcuts enhances its entertainment value, then why not? I am guilty of accessing walkthoughs but only after I've attempted everything on my own w/o help.

Anyway, what are your thoughts on game cheats?
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