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(#14 (permalink))
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Sakurachan (Offline)
JF Regular
Posts: 31
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: South-West England
11-30-2007, 11:56 PM

hey hun! first up, good luck getting to the weight you want! it's all very well people saying 'stop looking at magazines... tv is poison...', but what if you want to read an article or watch a programme?

all i can say is to remember WHY you want to do this- i personally lost a little weight recently through cutting down on high-fat/-sugar snacks and regular exercise. i found it really useful to have actual pictures of regular people as well as celebrities (a wide range e.g. both lily cole AND charlotte coyle) who i thought were gorgeous, and clothes etc. i really wanted.

oh, and go for healthy as opposed to low-fat, and learn to cook if you can't already- that really helps! btw, japanese has been identified as the healthiest diet in the world, mainly because of the vegetable and fish base, as opposed to meat. hm...

onto the clothes! i *love* the look you're going for. that hairstyle would be so cute blonde! you look like you have the face for it, too. with a look like that, as well, your clothes have more of an edge even if they aren't really extreme. so i personally would make sure i didn't go too OTT, while still keeping it really personalised- the hair clips and buttons thing would work great.

you can actually find a lot of pretty decentvisual kei/ harajuku/ scene type stuff in regular shops- just keep your eyes peeled, and think of things in combination! like, i bought these cute black lace hand-warmer things recently from H&M (do you have that in america? i live in england) that look SO cute with this kind of goth-loli skirt i have, but also just with jeans and my david bowie tee, which i might prefer on a more toned-down occasion.

ok, i've written way too much, so i'll go now!


Kōhi wa suki dewa arimasen... Je n'aime pas du café... I don't like coffee... why is this such a good phrase for me?
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