Thread: Please help me!
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NickVelvet (Offline)
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12-07-2007, 01:43 AM

Both look great. At first I liked the 2nd one best, but the more I looked at the first one the more I began to liked it more.

At first I felt the back ground was a bit buzy, but the key focus in this one is her eyes, they do a great job of bringing you in. The only thing I would have liked to seen is have her maybe a step or two up, You dont want her perfectly centered but just so the upper part isnt too "heavy". Her feet are right at the edge, or that could have just been cut off accidentaly when putting it on here. Id like to see a little bit more definition with the part of her coat laying on the steps. Maybe a little thicker trim around the edges. I think it blends too much with the steps with your shading where it drapes. There a bit too horizontal. Think about something when it drapes down, it isnt always perfect lines.

Youve done a really great job on the shading, not too dark giving it a softer feel which fits perfectly.

The second one is great as well. I like how you have lead in with the hand and your eye follows the image all the way out to the scarf. In doing that you've created some nice positve/negative shapes.
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