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SakanaMidori (Offline)
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01-16-2008, 02:13 AM

That actually sounds really cool.

I'm american too, and I want a penpal.

I'm not sure if I can get one with my parents permission, but I know I can if I get a PO box, so if I get one I'll let you know, and I want to recommend that to you too!^^

But mail sure is tedious these days....with a PO box, you can't just go to the bottom of your driveway to get it.......erg....I hate how horrible the world has become........(who'd wanna molest me anyway? Or rob me? What do I have? Just get a job, and buy whatever you want so badly, and get more attractive if you want sex. Seriously.)

Irony rules the world."0" alt=
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