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Cyasarin (Offline)
Surfer.Chic [no cold! =D]
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01-19-2008, 04:04 AM

[1st post! Yay! ^^]
Sorry, caught up in the moment...this is my 1st post ever here. =P

So, anyway, the type of style you're trying to get into is very interesting and I don't think you should lose too much weight. Depending on how tall you are, the overweight limit goes up and down. For example, I'm 5'1' and I weigh around 107 and 112 lbs depending on how much I eat that day. But if somebody looked at me on the street, they definitely wouldn't call me anorexic. For my friend who is like 5'10" she is around 140 and 150 lbs and she's just a skinny as I am.
Anyway, if you want to lose a little bit of weight, run [NOT walk!] about half a mile a day, walk another half mile, and cut back on junk food and go for vegetables. It doesn't have to be a salad, it can just be a bit of broccoli in a Lean Cuisine dish. Or an apple! From experience, this method works quickly and awesomely. But it only works if you run the half mile. Don't slack off and walk. It doesn't work as good. And make sure you stretch before your run/walk, especially your legs.

I can't really give you much advice on clothes besides try to find something that fits your personality. You can find something just as awesome as the clothes in Tokyo in your local mall if you look hard enough.
But your hair, I have a short style just like that. You're going to love it if you get your hair cut like that pic, especially if it's lighter. It's so fun to wear around school and people will compliment you all the time. But whatever you do, don't wait too long to cut it again. My top layers are growing out because I don't have anyone to cut it since the girl that cut mine did a poor job and it looks horrible. Well, not horrible, but it's just harder to get it to look good.
And now that I brought up my stylist, don't get a sucky stylist. They suck. And make sure they use a razor on the ends of your hair. It makes the hair cut look even more fabulous.

Happy Styling. <3
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