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kunitokotachi (Offline)
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Location: 米国の何処だろう?
01-20-2008, 08:30 PM

Originally Posted by Kal3ido View Post
I plan on either adopting an Japanese child or going to an sprem bank. Since Im going to be the only parent and my hertiage is African American, I wonder how I would go about teaching the child about it's other half. I want both cultures to be in there lives and I admire the way Japanese parents raise there children. There values are much better in Japan then they are in the States.
What exactly do you mean the the values in Japan are better than they are in the States? I think it is a common misconception for people to believe that bowing ones head occassionally and using 尊敬語 (honorific speech) equates to a more formal and polite culture. This is not necessarily the case; it is just a cultural difference. In order for you to fully understand Japanese culture you will have to immerse yourself for many years; even then you may not fully understand it. This isn't something one can understand by reading a book or watching a video. If your child will be half then there are a lot of issue that child is going to go through from early childhood ages through their adolescent stage. I would know because I'm half Japanese and Black. I'm not trying to be mean but I don't think you will be able to effectively teach that child about its other half. You could always try and enroll the child in a Japanese school at some point but that would be cruel if the child is already Americanized. Anyway Japan dates back to approximately 8000 B.C. so there is a lot of culture and history to learn.

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