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(#26 (permalink))
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SweetSuicide (Offline)
\m/ Rock hard love harder
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02-04-2007, 09:15 PM

** haha this is gonna be fun!!**
"Who... Who are you? I mean.. what are you?" I've never seen someone like that before ever in my life.

"My name's Jaustin. During the war I got hit with something and I got turned in a vampire, a blood drinker. I promise I won't hurt you Suezette, you just have to trust me." His voice was soft and claming and warm. It felt like I knew that I could trust him but I never trusted anyone anymore.

"How do I know you're not one of the spies from King Raymond?" I felt so stupid to ask that but I just had to know. He probably was going to lie to me no matter what.

"King who? I'm not a spy. Trust me, I'm on you're side." he smiled. How did he know all these things about me when I never met him?? I was about to try to attack him but something stopped me. His eyes. They looked so empty, just like mine have for the past 11 years. I knew then that he was telling the truth. I looked at him as he finishsed the blood he was drinking from a poutch. He finished it and turned to me. His face was warm and comforting, minus the fangs, and I felt this werid feeling inside. It was something I felt when my parents were alive and I haven't felt since then. Was it love or something else?

**haha I'm in love and Timushi is too! haha poor Musashi hates everone lol**

Life goes on.
But I'm gone.
Cause I'll die without you.
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