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Alastor (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 214
Join Date: Jul 2007
What do you think about Final Fantasy? - 04-15-2008, 08:08 PM

By that, I mean, what do you think of them now?

I think they're rather horrendous and they're truly lacking any innovation. I blame Square mainly for this.

I see a bunch of FF remakes, and I see them milking Crystal Chronicles and Final Fantasy VII HEAVILY now. I also notice that their games now are starting to really piss me off because actually playing them is no longer fun. The priorities of these games are:


As noticed very clearly by Final Fantasy XII.

I have come to realize that these games really aren't all that great. I never liked FFVII that much, I was upset to learn that the game is only truly fun during the first parts - once you reach past the Mythril Mines, the game just goes down, in my opinion.

I liked the overall presentation of FFVI. And I was fairly alright with FFVIII, though it was very easy, the story was confusing and awkward, and Draw was horrendous. I loved FFIX and FFCC had potential. I can't wait to get a new computer so I can start FFXI again.

My rant is over. I'll be sticking with playing FF online, but I'm pretty much through with Square now.
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