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04-18-2008, 01:45 AM

Originally Posted by Hatredcopter View Post
Best hold off on that thought. I don't know how many times I've said this in various threads, but you can't just decide to go over there and live there, especially if you're trying to get away from something you dont like in your home country. First and foremost you need to finish high school in the US, then you need to go to a university. You CANNOT move there until you're into your 20s. The only other way to stay there at a younger age is if you're doing an exchange there, which is very expensive, and you need to be a top notch student with good grades and a willingness to learn Japanese.
As much as it frustrates me to have to say this.... Especially as most of the things people on here are trying to get away from are incredibly shallow and childish (A reoccurring theme of; Parents who interfere in your life - Who care enough to give you limits that you don`t like? Or the all encompassing "I wish my life were like an anime!")

Yes, you can. I didn`t do an exchange, nor had I graduated from university. Multiple things fell into place in very lucky ways, and I ended up living here from 17 with some hopping due to visa issues in the beginning. To say that it isn`t possible would sort of be negating my own life experience.

But that doesn`t mean I support idiocy - which a *13* year old deciding their life sucks and wanting to make the leap to Japan is. Unless your parents are selling you on the street to buy drugs, your life is NOT that bad. I`m going to guess that they were even nice enough buy you a computer.

Lack of rules, limits, and freedom is NOT as good as it sounds. Trust me. It may sound cool to "do whatever you want" without parental interference... It isn`t. It means that your parents don`t care at all what happens to you.

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