Thread: My Magazine
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MissMisa (Offline)
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05-04-2008, 05:41 PM

Originally Posted by Crani View Post
Since it it doesn't look like a Japan only magazine, i would probably give it a more general look and name, like "Wired" or something like that.
Other than that, it should be monthly, since doing it weekly is kind of a pain on the neck, I don't what you're hamming for but this is just an idea. As for the rest good luck and I look forward to reading it.
Yeah, I was sort of struggling with the name of the magazine, and there is a possibility it could change because of course, it's a very important part of your brand indentity.

I have far too much on to do it weekly, so it would definatly be monthly ^_^

Thankyou for your input
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