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ivi0nk3y (Offline)
Calm Like A Bomb
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05-08-2008, 09:26 PM

Originally Posted by noodle View Post
That is true, but what I meant, was that, in schools, at least in England, the bigger the school is, the more classes there are, and the more students are seperated according to their level. So, the "bad" pupils being at the school doesn't and shouldn't affect people that really want to study... and even IF the classes were not split up, I'm sure the teacher manages to teach those that are willing to teach. If they don't, then its a totally different story!
Well school is also a place to socialise and those "bad" kids tend to influence a lot of their peers during playtime or even in class. There will be class disruptions and whatnot so even studying will be effected.
Lol in my school, every single class lower than the top set, (which I was in) was just problematic at best. I don't think they learned anything whatsoever.. and that is no exaggeration :F At home time my friends in those classes were still there messing around while the teacher having given up an hour ago, sat on his ass and read a book >.>

Originally Posted by EveV View Post
Not stupid or uncaring just lazy.
Which isn't their fault, adults just keep lowering their standards.

Not to long ago 14 year olds with profiles and pictures of themselves all over the net was a taboo.
Now it's all they do.
You can't complain about you're child being lazy when you set no limits on their T.V/Phone/Internet use.

Todays generation makes me sick.
What ever happened to childhood?
Yep, I absolutely agree. I explained more or less the same stuff you have afterwards in another post.

Truth Hurts


Last edited by ivi0nk3y : 05-08-2008 at 09:31 PM.
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