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05-10-2008, 03:18 AM

I think that my favorite character would have to be Alice. =]
I've been curious lately as to what Rosalie looks like. I have trouble picturing her. ^^;;
I can't wait to read Breaking Dawn, and also, I look forward to seeing the movie.
At my school, during web design and during Digitools we all watched the teaser trailer and when we saw our school in the background everyone was like "Ahhh OMG It's Kalama!!!" ^^; They filmed some of the movie at my school and some kids from there were extras in the movie.
Something I'm wondering about though is, do you think there will be lots of special effects in the movie? The teaser trailer kinda made it seem like they're gonna need tons of special affects for this movie to work properly.

Plushies and Sketchbooks and Cakes, Oh My!