Thread: Working hours
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05-21-2008, 03:28 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
Traditionally, Japanese worked for one company their whole lives, and in return, one is completely dedicated to that company. That isn't as true today as it was 20 years ago, though I would say that Japanese, as a rule, are more respectful and dedicated to their companies than Americans are, but there is a cultural vein to that.
Seems that was the case in the US too many years ago. A person could work with a company until he or she retires. Seems it's not the case much now.
For example, at a conference you would never ever hear a Japanese person complain about his boss, for example, or his salary to someone from another company. An American wouldn't think twice about doing that. It's not right or wrong, just different.
I guess I'm a "different' person. I'd never complain about my boss at such a place. I'm a suck up for the most part. My boss tells me to jump, I ask "how high". lol Complaining about pay, that seems to be very common, and working in a school, I'm hearing it more and more from the teachers there.
There's give and take to that. I know Japanese that have never been on trips as a family. There is no sense of loss about that, it's just that tourist vacations as a family aren't as big a priority as they are to Americans.
That's interesting. I couldn't even imagine not taking a family-based trip, as a kid of course.

Last edited by SSJup81 : 05-21-2008 at 03:34 AM.
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