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(#12 (permalink))
Alastor (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 214
Join Date: Jul 2007
06-21-2008, 10:01 AM

I don't know. I feel there's been lots of fun games out there. You can't find them now because today, these games are poor. But, I can think of lots of SNES, PSX and PS2 games that are fun. I can't say much about the Gameboy series as I never owned one. The N64 had quite a few, as well. I started to notice this trend sometime in 2005-2006 when I felt the PS2 was kind of lacking stuff, and when the Cube didn't have enough fun games...

That may be just a matter of opinion, but I feel that less games are offering fun gameplay, as it seems to focus more on graphics and story. Games change, no doubt, but ultimately, I feel far less developers are thinking about gameplay. The business plan is to sell the games. Preferably in huge numbers and with good reviews. So, graphics porn with a decent story and a gameplay formula that's tested, tried and works alright, will be a good bet for companies.

I think the market has changed in such a way that, gameplay isn't that seperated from the other aspects as they used to be. Speaking froma personal point of view, I think it's simply that I haven't grown accustomed to how games are today. Looking at it from a business perspective, I think we ned games that still last long, but we have less time to play and thus we need to reduce gameplay. Less difficulty, more opportunities to save, and compensate by enhancing other parts of a game (story, graphics or replay value, for instance).
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