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TalnSG (Offline)
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07-07-2008, 01:56 PM

Originally Posted by Kayci View Post
He's in Okinawa. You're in California now.
I'd take the advice of one who is in japan CURRENTLY XD;
I understand your logic, but it has a flaw or two.
You don't know that JRock is a Okinawan. There are many gaiijin living there because of the U.S. military, so he may or may not be a valid source. Nor do you know whether Paul is a native Californian or a Japanese in California on a visa. But aside from these two faulty assumptions, I personally would take the recommendation of whichever poster displayed more rational discourse instead of idle threats of violence toward differing opinions.

And then there is the whole issue of whether we are discussing an Okinawan tradition/custom that is actually different from mainland Japan. You are aware they are not always the same?

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