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(#48 (permalink))
Paul11 (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 546
Join Date: May 2008
07-08-2008, 09:39 AM

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
Unfortunately, when they`re dressing you for a wedding, you don`t really get a choice. They put towels upon towels upon towels, until I could have supplied a sento with the number they kept wrapping somewhere to try and achieve balance of some sort. I would have much preferred they just wrap my breasts to make them flatter - the obi would have taken care of my waist to hip ratio. And I should have said something at the time, it may have saved me from looking like a balloon and being unable to lower my arms completely... but of course hindsight is 20/20.

It looks like a beautiful place off the beaten track. We wanted to have ours at Narumi Jinja, (too small to even have an official page, it seems, but dear to our hearts) but after a visit with the in-laws in tow, they deemed it too small and not prestigious enough. ("No one has heard of it!") We refused to go with a package wedding hall plan, so only a few selections were left that would fit their requirements. But hey, they paid for it, so we couldn`t really complain.

ETA: We didn`t get to eat a single bite of our cake, and the last half of the banquet as we made the silly choice to pass out the cake ourselves to all thousand guests. (An exaggeration, of course, but there had to be at least 100) We wanted to make things personal and give greetings to everyone...

Sounds about right. when both our parents did not give thier blessings we planned everything ourselves. Finally, mother-in-law invited me into the family. Which means she got involved and replanned everything 6 weeks prior to the wedding.

We were so busy, and nervous, at the reception hall, thatlater we looked at the picture of us posing near the cake with knofe in hand. I completely forgot there was even a cake. I didn't recognize it at all.

Narumi jinja looks nice. I can never see too many temples or shrines and I like the small ones. earlier you talked about going to Shikoku. There are the 88 temples dedicated to Kobo Daishi that people pilgrimage to. If you can rent a car try to check some out. The main one is propbably the least impressive. But others are small, old and fabulous.
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