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07-08-2008, 10:09 AM

Originally Posted by odonata View Post
Even with the countries you mention there are noticable differences and thats before they open their mouths. The J-Police spend allot of time dealing with chinese immigrants and the problems they bring.
Sometimes so, and sometimes not. I think it greatly depends on the person and their personality. Not all Chinese immigrants cause problems - I would actually say those who do are very much the minority... But just like all foreigners in Japan, the bad behavior of a few ruins the image of the whole. There are more encounters with misbehaving Chinese immigrants than most other places because there are simply more Chinese immigrants in Japan than most anywhere else - not because they`re particularly problematic.

On the other hand, I can tell most of the time whether a woman is Japanese or not based on the way she dresses. There is just something drastically different about the style.

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