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07-09-2008, 02:49 AM

Originally Posted by spodletela View Post
With my girlfriend we are getting ready to travel to Japan for one month. We are coming from Slovenia (EU), but we are not really a rich country (former Yugoslavian republic), so i want to make an """investigation""" about expenses if we travel on a low budget (i dont want to sell a car when we come back )...

Has someone travel there with Japan Rail Pass and sleep in a hotels/whatever that are as cheap as possible but still not like 50 km from city centers? Can you please tell me how many yens/euros/dollars you spent for living? (we wont be staying on one place for more then 2 days, probably moving around all the time, so any advice how to find cheap sleeping place fast is more then welcome)

The second question is a little bit exotic; is it possible to "survive" in Japan without eating meat, eggs or fish?

Thank you for response...

The best advice I can give to is get lodging and combined travel packages, you get pretty good discounts that.

Other then that I don't know how to budget money in Japan. I always seem to spend too much money here no matter what I do. There’s lots of cool stuff here to do. If you need to buy any necessities while you are here, I would suggest shopping at a 100 Yen shop..
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