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(#10 (permalink))
Paul11 (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 546
Join Date: May 2008
07-22-2008, 09:20 AM

Originally Posted by noodle View Post
Why should china concern themselves with making the world a better place when they haven't even solved all their own issues? But if you want to be really specific, then why don't we mention the fact that China is trying to help the Afghan government train profesionals in economics, law etc.

China not as influential as the US?... this response goes for what Paul11 said also. You do realise that if china were to stop producing their "shit", most of us would be in the dark ages. The matter of fact is; China produces well over 80% of our consumer goods. And I'm talking about the middle class citizen. If you're rich, of course you can afford things made in your home country costing more than 10 times. So, I'd say that without China, we would be pretty f-ed. But without the US, I don't see us being in as much trouble. The US, like UK, is mainly services, finance, which of course are very important, but far easier to sort out than losing a country that produces everything for us.

Like I said above, if you (western countries) were to stop buying chinese goods, prepare yourself to enter the dark ages.

Yes and no. Enough fear and hassle and we could make stuff again. American's usually don't do anything till the last moment, then get off thier duffs and get the job done. The relationship between China and the U.S. is symbiotic. They get many of thier raw materiels from us, we buy thier stuff, they provide it. We can't do without each other in the global economy. We could make stuff if pushed so far, but we buy a huge percentage of what they sell. They need us.
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