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(#4 (permalink))
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Koir (Offline)
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07-29-2008, 10:42 PM

Originally Posted by MissMisa View Post
Therefore I think that the Serious Discussion should be restricted only to veteren members to avoid silly comments and spam, and should be limited only to very dedicated members who are able to debate without causing arguement. For example, a member needs to have 1000 posts [steep, I know], or for example have to answer questions about topics to see if they are able to debate in a concise manner.
You have good ideas in the rest of the post except for this part. If it does get implemented, it will immediately separate the active members into "the elite" and "the plebians". Sure, the chosen few established members will have a private area to discuss matters that are important to them, but the rest of the forum will still be subject to the same name-calling and threads going down in flames for the usual reasons in addition to calls of "elitism" annd favoured opinions.

At worst, it will change the forums into a large group of the "lower class" of posters constantly railing against the "higher class" who have access to an exclusive forum area where they can discuss things among themselves to much agreement and derision against those who cannot respond in kind because they are not "favoured" enough to do so.

Fortunately, there is one woman in this world who can control me.

Unfortunately for you, she is not here.

"Ride for ruin, and the world ended!"
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