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allie2590 (Offline)
I am the White Testament
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Location: Canada
08-13-2008, 05:27 PM

Originally Posted by Suki View Post
Sure thing.

If we had more mods that got on at least once a day, then it would be possible to have the sort of threads Misa suggested.

Kanji does his job just fine but he's just one person, why do we have... 5 mods if only one of them is an active member? Why was CoolNard made a mod if he doesn't have time to drop by? We should speak to Eki and make him understand we need more mods that are actually available and can keep an eye on the forum. People come and go, so moderators should be changed from time to time when one of them stops being active and the job should be assigned to someone else who's willing to do it and can be on frequently. Would that be so hard to do? o.Ô
Exactly. One mod for thousands of members? Not good. Maybe a petition? I know online petitions aren't usually effective, but if it's about an online forum, then maybe it will work. It's definately worth a try.
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