Thread: Circumcision?
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MissMisa (Offline)
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08-17-2008, 07:47 AM

Originally Posted by SunkenShip View Post
Are you a parent?

Do you have boys?

Trust me, this is a testy issue in the States with some people.

When I changed my son in front of a friend of my spouse's, she gasped and asked me when I would be getting him cut. When I replied: NEVER, she was disgusted and proceeded to tell me how it's gross to be uncut.

That's just one example, I've had several experiences here like that and I don't want people talking that kind of junk around my son when he gets older and if he gets involved in sports.
Really?! Wow, I never knew it was such a big deal. Here in England, at least the people I know, really don't give a damn and it's completely not the done thing [well, as far as I know anyway xD], unless it's part of your religion or something.

To be honest I find it quite cruel, I don't understand the need for it as your body wasn't supposed to have bits chopped off it xD

Anyway, I think it's a personal question and I don't understand how a person would find out unless the person wanted them to. So just do what you feel is best, and don't consider what other people think of you, although it may be difficult.
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