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yuujirou (Offline)
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08-29-2008, 04:46 PM

Originally Posted by MissMisa View Post
Yeah no-one does this stuff to me anymore since like... I do get really really mad! If it's just me and a guy he usually ends up worse [funnily enough it is always guys], but the other 3 times it was me, and a group of 3-4 guys so that's not fair! I am only a small/slim girl but if you know how to hit right then you tend to be okay.

I got excluded once unfairly because I hit a guy and broke his glasses because he hit me first! So unfair...

Yeah like, having similar interests is good, like cosplay and such, but having similar personalities is hard because like, if both people are quiet, it tends to be all indecisive and can get boring, if both peope are confident and so on, things can get angry quickly and you tend to step on each others toes. So it's the whole 'opposites attract' thing!
i'd probably end up slamming the poor kid into random stuff, kneeing him in his stomach... elbowing his face.... and i guess if i'm impulsive atm i might try too snap his neck >.>''
but yeah x] it all depends on what i have on me and how sadistic i'm feeling at the time of offence (because i will enjoy it)

haha good too know that you can put up a fight xD

she's quiet and shy... i'm loud and robust~
she's into costuming, i'm into clothing
we're both into the whole victorian thing xD
i.e. frills and laces, lmao
she's a lacto-ovo vegetarian, i'm a connoisseur
we both love japanese culture / food
bondage is... bonding x]
we're both submissive too each other
andd yeah xD
some of our similarities and differences
lol xD

In the shadows beneath the trees he waits.
In the darkness under the moon he plots
In the silence of the night he kills.
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