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Tordek42 (Offline)
Absolute Corruption
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Location: London, England
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09-03-2008, 05:52 PM

Tbh I'm hugley proud of where I come from (London, murder city...)

As for the UK as a whole, if we stopped being America's bitch then I'd have some respect for the government.

And we have Gordon Brown as a PM (but Boris Johnson and Mayor of London which makes for it a bit...)

Owner of:
(G) Chisato (PENICILLIN)
(D) HAYATO (Moi dix Mois)

(G) Ryu☆ (PureQ&A)
(B) Yu~ki (Malice Mizer)
(G) EITA (Jikuu Kaizoku SEVEN SEAS)
(V) Marshall K (
Jikuu Kaizoku SEVEN SEAS)

RIP hide, forever in our hearts...