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09-13-2008, 05:15 AM

Originally Posted by quixote73 View Post
I'm sorry, I didn't realize that you were Japanese. I assumed you were foreign, but that was obviously an incorrect assumption on my part.
I never said I was Japanese - Just that I`ve lived here for a very long time now.

I assume that from your post you are a stay-at-home mother. I'm curious, how have Western women belittled your decision? Did these women say that they were feminists?
Yes, yes, and yes. I have been told multiple times that I should be ashamed of myself for "putting myself last", "wasting my education" and "letting myself be a 'prisoner' of my husband." Etc etc
All by non-Japanese women, who made it very clear they were strong feminists.

Do you believe that the "dream" that many women have to have children and stay at home with them is biologically determined from birth, or socially constructed?
Both. But neither makes it oppression. Feminism was supposed to open doors and make it possible for a woman to make her own choices. Instead, it has just changed the right choice. If you don`t make that choice, you`re being oppressed... Because, well, there is no way any woman would really choose that sort of path.

How do you feel about married couples in which the wife works outside of the home and the husband stays at home with the children and performs domestic duties?
If it is what is good for their family, and it is a choice they made, then I have absolutely nothing against it.

How do you feel about women who choose not to have children?
That is entirely their choice, which they should be free to make.

How do you feel about women who do not want a husband?
Same as above.

Somewhere along the line you are interpreting "anti-feminism" as believing women should be stuck in "traditional" roles.
That isn`t what it means. Recall that I said I was egalitarian - look it up. That means I believe in equality (with both negative and positive aspects), and freedom of choice without being looked down upon for those choices.
Feminism does not offer this.

In what ways do you "support" your husband?
By cooking, cleaning, maintaining our household, and just generally being appreciative of the fact that he is the one out there working his butt off supporting us. It`s more attitude than specific actions. Staying at home is the easier path, despite what anyone may say.

If anyone is trying to find me… Tamyuun on Instagram is probably the easiest.
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