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MissMisa (Offline)
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09-13-2008, 10:45 AM

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
Why not stop looking at gender to begin with, and actually look at ability?
Because in my mind, that`s what it boils down to. I DON`T agree with "Amazon" feminism, because it pushes women as something they are not - ie. the stronger sex. Gender roles don`t just drop out of the sky one day - they are usually founded in some level of fact. When it comes to body size and muscular development, men do have the genetic advantage.

If a woman is indeed on equal ground with a man in sports or some activity, then she should be given all the same opportunities to compete as men. But the fact of the matter is that in a lot of cases, that is just not true. You end up with women who want to be put into places even when they AREN`T just as strong or just as capable. And that is not true equality. If a man is indeed more capable, then there is no reason his spot should be given up just so a woman can get it.

Sex-positive feminism is fine and all in regards to not discouraging sex for women - but somehow manages to completely miss out on the fact that the female brain is wired differently when it comes to sexual stimulation. Saying that the porn industry is biased toward males is just silly - I could make the same argument and say that the romance novel industry is biased toward females. There is a reason for this. In general, men find straight sexual imagery stimulating, while women find more subtle and romantic "thoughts" to be arousing. Pushing pornos for women is like pushing romance novels for men.

I usually find that the word "feminism" is used to push some form of female superiority... Otherwise why not refer to it as egalitarian?

The groups who fought in the past for equality for women can not, and should not, be compared with the modern groups that fly the flag of feminism. Every group that has done something good in the past should not be given a free pass for any wrongs committed in the future by those who use the same name. (Although the groups in the past weren`t really calling themselves feminists to begin with...)
I somewhat agree with you on this point. But not all feminists whine about nothing. There are still real issues in the world that need changing, and that's the reason why feminists do still exist. I'm not talking about the ones who whine about nothing important, I'm talking about the ones that get stuck in with real issues that matter, such as a women's right to education in the middle east, a women's right to speak out, a women's right to not be forced into marriage, and so on. Of course, there are issues for men too, they should not be forced to marry either, and so on, and all these issues are important and do need to be delt with in some way or another.

I don't believe that feminists are trying to say women are better. Maybe your experiances are different to mine, but I've never encountered a feminist women who thought they are better than a man. That's not really the point in the feminist movement, and never was. Those kind of people are not what a feminist should be like - there are bad apples within every organisation. As for the word 'feminism' I don't really think that promotes that women are better. but that depends how you want to interpret it. There are many men feminists too who are not put off by the term.

Originally Posted by SatoriOne View Post
Im a dude and Id love to find a woman who could bring home the bacon on her salary alone. That way Id be the house husband. Id clean and cook, and look after the kids. Then when they get old enough to go to school Id play tennis at the local rec club, go shopping midday and chat with friends over tea.
Go for it! Gender roles work in both ways, and it would be perfectly fine if that's what you wanted to do with your life. Nobody should say that because you are man you should go out and work - as long as someone is looking after the children, and someone is earning money, gender is totally irrelevant.

Last edited by MissMisa : 09-13-2008 at 10:56 AM.
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