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Ronin4hire (Offline)
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09-18-2008, 10:17 AM

Originally Posted by ivi0nk3y View Post
When people talk about Feminists, they're talking about women who go as far as to wage war against men in every way possible. This could be from never having a family and turning to Lesbianism to having abortions just for the sake of it. What's funny is that to do that, they are in essence becoming more like Males, which is a great Paradox from my perspective.
So no, people against Feminism aren't at all for sending women back to the kitchen. Not the extreme bullshit Feminism i'm talking about anyway.
I don't want to hear you get upset about people pigeon holing Islam if that's your position on feminism.

If I were to parallel Wasabistas position, when people talk about Muslims being backward and violent they really mean extremists.

If Wasabista can be taken seriously in a discussion in which he attempts to redefine or define a term then so can those that use Muslim when they mean terrorist.
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