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(#114 (permalink))
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MissMisa (Offline)
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09-20-2008, 06:57 AM

Originally Posted by Wasabista View Post
Well, yeah, I conceded your point right away. If your point is "the dictionary says so and so."

Problem is, what you call "radical feminism" is actually the driving force in feminism. As I proved above, it led to the FALSE but widespread belief that men are the main agents of domestic violence. It led to the Duluth procedures, which require police to treat all domestic incidents with the assumption of male guilt. It led to today's confiscatory policies on divorce, which generally hand the children and half the assets to the woman, regardless of who is the better parent and who earned the money.

These are problems that affect all of us, and were created by the feminist movement. If all you want to do is read the dictionary, up to you. Horses to water and all that. But I think Miss Misa posted the original article to get into a more substantial discussion of real social issues. The rest of us will get on with that, if that's okay with you.
Like I already said - Hitler was heavily influencial but it doesn't mean all germans are nazis. Radical feminists were highly influencial but it doesn't mean all feminists are radical.

The feminist movement have done amazing things that well outweigh the fact that people are misinformed about domestic violence. Of course it's a negative thing that people believe that - but you can't blame all feminists because of that. The media has a massive influence in how people think of things. How would people see the message of the radical feminists message? Through the media. They choose to broadcast the radical feminists message a lot more than the feminists one. Look what damage that has done to the reputation of the feminist movement - ivionk3y thinks they are all women who are pissed because their boyfriends left them, and you think that they are pointless and make everything worse. It's a real shame that nothing positive that they do is ever shown.
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