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ivi0nk3y (Offline)
Calm Like A Bomb
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09-24-2008, 05:18 PM

Originally Posted by Salvanas View Post
Countless times, I've heard teens tell me; "My life is so shit."

After talking them further, I ask them why and I get a "Because life, school, lessons, people are shit." This, as everyone knows, are the symptom's of the "brat" syndrome that lurks in most teens that age. We've had multiple 'suicides' because brats think their life is really THAT bad.

Now, again, I hear countless adults who say "I'm in debt/I've lost someone close, so I'm depressed" or something along those lines.

Now here are the questions.


1: Do kids have the right to commit suicide for such problems when we have people being raped, abused, dieing of starvation, or have some sort of lethal disease who still strive to survive?

2: Do adults really have the right to be depressed for long periods of time or (even at all) over such problems, when we have people being raped, abused, dieing of starvation, or have some sort of lethal disease who still strive to survive?


Keep it calm please, and try not to argue. Won't happen I know, but try not to.
Well that's the problem. Everyone has the "choice" to do what they want.

Rights are imbued by people in power. I think as far as that definiton goes, most societies give "rights" to a person to feel what they must.

In this day and age people in our society have more "rights" than ever before.
However in having these rights, I think there is less freedom because those "rights" require paperwork. At the end of the day, "rights" are a way for people in power to define what choices are allowed or not.

What a person does or feels in their own privacy, is left largely down to them.
So unless it effects someone else, they have every right to be depressed and be a brat, if they want to be. Hell sometimes it may even be justified.
Its then up to that person to want to be different or to feel different. If they don't, they will just dig themselves a hole and have a bad life in the long run.
That ultimately is their test.

When it comes down to suicide, that of course shouldn't be the right of anyone but its very hard for anyone enforcing the law to stop someone if they want to kill themselves.
As far as Euthanasia is concerned, I don't know if it should be allowed simply because throwing your life away in such a situation leads a bad example. Where do you draw the line then to when and how someone can kill themselves?

Anyway as it can be seen, the questions you've asked are more complicated and cover more issues than just the one of having rights.

Truth Hurts


Last edited by ivi0nk3y : 09-24-2008 at 05:20 PM.
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