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DSX (Offline)
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10-13-2008, 09:59 PM

So I've decided not to make Yuri a total goth (though I still have yet to find another name for her...), but because of what she has to cope with after Otome leaves, that's what drives her to her darker side.

That, and a supernatural factor. This isn't going to be just pure romance, but something of a supernatural thriller as well. Evil remains in Yuri's soul after a past life. Think reincarnation here. So, when she's picked on at school, that side of her comes out.

I'll probably try to make her something like I am. While I'm a dark person myself (at times), mostly I'm just a fun-loving joker. Maybe I should do that with her, give her a little piece of my soul.

Now with cliches...I never even heard of the goth chick-good chick thing. Now, I've seen butch and femme, but butches are mostly just tough. There's a difference between tough and dark/tomboyish, but now that I'm being told that there's stereotypes with what I planned I'm gonna have to find a way to change that up.

Still, I want Yuri to be a darker person. With what's going to be happening with her, it would be kinda stupid to just have her remain a joker and the like.
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