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kainpendragon (Offline)
JF's Ero Sennin
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11-07-2006, 04:26 AM

I suggest renting it a good game and me a bit haveing on FF Junkie from part 1 up the way they play and are made. Effect what i think about them. I just Don't think it should have the name Ff12 maybe FF tactics 2 or something would have been good. it just does not seem have anything left in common with older FF other then common spell , monsters and names of weapons. the armor and eveything function just like they did in tactics so that why i say FF tactics 2. but i would say rent it frist before you buy it make sure you are going to like it.

If you don't like it expect FF13 not to be much different from these in the terms of combat this is the next gen stuff they are tring to evole FF in to something new to go with the new systems. every game has to grow and change. some people will like other won't.

Example Changeing metriod to frist person shooter i think it the worst they ever did to the title. but I think what they did with castlevaina is the best thing ever for that title. they tried to do a change in the mega man x to full 3d and i think they saw people did not care for it so next was made it to some parts 3d while most of it beeing 2d .

why the stuff come out uk so late are the games muti langual for all of europ or are they english only but useing the kings english???

There are 3 kinds of perverts in this world
1. Those that hid it.
2. Those that accpect.
3. Those that are Ero Sennin
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