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(#13 (permalink))
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Trilvanery (Offline)
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Wink 11-28-2008, 03:39 PM

Because I have a long hair fetish, I prefer men with flowing hair-past their shoulders, please.
Grammar is a must . No "I be's" and "Is you"...That's just sad. Get a textbook, damn it.
Person has to be a down-to-earth-dreamer. They're sort of hard to find nowadays.
Must be somewhat of an extrovert...I'm not quiet all the time, so he shouldn't be either...if they're even a little bit full of them selves, that's alright...just...not too much. ^_^.
Umm...if he wears make-up, yay. Liner on men is indeed, cute.
Must be a romanticist...
And the person has to have drive.

You know what drive I'm talking about.

Lastly, he can't be normal. I'm not, so why the hell should he?
(If he's an aristocrat, +50 cutesy points.)
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