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(#2 (permalink))
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MissMisa (Offline)
Fashion, Games + Art Mod.
Posts: 2,466
Join Date: Mar 2008
12-16-2008, 03:41 PM

Basically, no. I'm a student, and I currently don't have a job. My parents are quite well off and neither of them have jobs that are really under threat at the moment. I have a lot of savings too, and I don't yet own any property.

My only financial worry is how I will pay for university. I am not entitled to any bursarys or grants so by the end I will be in potentially £20,000 worth of debt. Each year at university is around £3500, So that's approx £10,000. Then for the course I'm doing I need a macbook, around £1500, software could even total as much as £4000 and then there is everything else, art materials, travel etc. I have no idea how the credit crisis will effect student loans but they are pretty secure.
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