Thread: Anarchy
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Altaru (Offline)
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01-10-2009, 04:17 AM

Originally Posted by OliveJuice View Post
but there are a few in place guiding the greater numbers in a cooperative collective effort, which is essentially what a government is.
That's how a GOOD, and WORKING government runs.

Unfortunately, that's not the case in most places.

Coincidentally, I was asked the question of "would anarchy work?" by my english teacher earlier this school year.

My reply was that I think things would disolve into total chaos.

However, only for a short time.

Eventually, anarchy could become a stable system. But it would take time. A very long time.

And this is because it would take a complete rewrite of present-day human nature.

The people would have to learn to function on their own, and right now only a very slim minority can do that. The majority of people need a government, or a large corporation, or some other system, to rule their lives. They never learned to think for themselves, they never had to.

So a complete collapse or disappearance of government or other ruling bodies would lead to absolute chaos.

Eventually, things would sort themselves out, however... We would essentially have to start over.

That's why I don't really want anarchy, but I want to stage a coup. Get a group of people who actually know what to do in power, instead of the bastards that normally gain power because they have money and charm.

Squad 11 - Sanity isn't our style.

Emilie Autumn, in the middle. She's amazing. That is all.

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