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zed (Offline)
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01-21-2009, 12:26 AM

Originally Posted by Sitron View Post
I just started learning Japanese and frequent Japanese boards like /jp/ on - what I've noticed is that unlike France or Germany, Japanese culture attract really, really weird foreign people.
Don't mistake me, I love Japanese culture. But all the pedophiles, cartoon nerds, lonely bitter misogynists, racists that think that the Japanese are some kind of super-race, and freaks who want to become Japanese almost made me learn Spanish instead.

Why do you think that Japanese culture attracts the attention of so many social retards, nerds, pedophiles, NEETs, and freaks in general?
I wasn't atracted to japan because of the anime and stuff, i was their history what made de trick, I was intrigued by the samrai way and all the dinasties, and the way they picture their heroes and alot or other things,

by the way, I too like anime but not all of it, has to have a good story and not have all gay stuff that alot of them have nowdays.

Original language: spanish learning to write in be patient.

Last edited by zed : 01-21-2009 at 12:30 AM.
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